Frame enlargement: Silent Era image collection.
Pillow Fight
(1897) United States of America
B&W : 45 feet
Directed by [?] James H. White and/or William Heise?
Cast: (unknown)
Edison Manufacturing Company production; distributed by [?] Edison Manufacturing Company and/or F.M. Prescott? / Cinematography by William Heise. / © 24 May 1897 by Thomas A. Edison [31242]. / [?] Kinetoscope 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format or Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format? / The production was shot circa May 1897 in the Edison Black Maria studio.
Synopsis: [From Edison promotional materials] Four young ladies, in their nightgowns, are having a romp. One of the pillows gets torn, and the feathers fly all over the room. 45 feet. $6.75. • [From F.M. Prescott promotional materials] A comic subject, clear, bright and characteristic. Shows four girls in their night dresses, engaged in an animated pillow fight. During the action the pillows become torn, and the feathers fly over their heads and about the room in great numbers, producing with the white dresses and the black background a novel effect. Sharp, full of action, and popular in character. 50 feet only. Price, 15.00.
Survival status: Print exists in the Library of Congress film archive (American Film Institute / H.L. Holt collection) [35mm reference positive].
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Listing updated: 18 December 2024.
References: Film viewing : Website-IMDb; Website-LoC.
Home video: DVD.