Edna Purviance.
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
The Sea Gull
Also known as A Woman of the Sea in the USA : {Women of the Sea}
(1926) United States of America
B&W : Feature film
Directed by Josef von Sternberg + [Charles Chaplin]
Cast: Edna Purviance [Joan], Eve Southern [Magdalen], Charles French [their father], Raymond Bloomer [the fisherman], Gayne Whitman [the novelist]
Charles Chaplin Film Corporation production. / Produced by Charles Chaplin. Scenario by Josef von Sternberg and Charles Chaplin. Set design by Donald Hall. Assistants, Georg Ruric, Charles Hammond and Riza Royce. Cinematography by Paul Ivano. / Preview 1926 as A Woman of the Sea in Beverly Hills, California. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Scenes were shot on-location in Monterey, California, and on Monterey Bay. Two versions of the film were completed, The Sea Gull as completed by von Sternberg and A Woman of the Sea as modified by Chaplin and previewed in 1926, but both versions were never released; Chaplin directed some scenes in the second version. Chaplin studio documentation states that Chaplin had the film’s original negative and all prints destroyed on 21 June 1933, yet Vance-Chaplin p. 370 notes that the studio projection-room logbook documents that Chaplin screened a 35mm print of the film as late as 16 February 1939.
Drama: Romance.
Survival status: The film is presumed lost.
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: USA: California: Monterey
Listing updated: 1 September 2019.
References: Bohn-Light p. 88; Brownlow-Parade p. 192; Fell-History p. 121; Sarris-Sternberg p. 13; Vance-Chaplin p. 370 : Website-AFI.