Sherlock Holmes Baffled
(1900) United States of America
B&W : [?] 47, 49 or 284? feet
Directed by Arthur Marvin
Cast: [?] ? [Sherlock Holmes], [?] ? [the intruder].
American Mutoscope Company production; distributed by American Mutoscope Company. / Cinematography by Arthur Marvin. / © 24 February 1903 by American Mutoscope & Biograph Company [H28561]. Released May 1900. / [?] Mutoscope 68mm spherical 1.36:1 format? / The production was shot on 26 April 1900.
Trick film.
Synopsis: Holmes discovers a mysterious intruder in his parlor that disappears and reappears. Holmes doesn’t solve this mystery. • [From Biograph promotional materials] Sherlock Holmes is in his library reading. In comes a burglar, and proceeds to carry off Holmes’s silver. The great detective tries to catch him, but he instantly vanishes, leaving the silver behind. Holmes picks up the bag, but the bag vanishes and the thief as suddenly appears, going out of the window with the bag in his hand. This is too much for Sherlock Holmes, and he sits down, baffled.
Survival status: Print exists in the Library of Congress film archive (paper print collection) [35mm paper positive].
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Characters: Sherlock Holmes - Law: Enforcement: Police: Detectives - Tobacco: Cigars - Trick films - Trick shots - Weapons: Guns
Listing updated: 13 May 2018.
References: Film viewing : Everson-Detective p. 5; Niver-Early p. 296; Pohle-Holmes pp. 22, 24-25; Steinbrunner-Encyclopedia p. 209 : ClasIm-224 p. 35 : Website-AFI; Website-Wikipedia.
Home video: Blu-ray Disc, DVD.