Tracy the Outlaw
(1928) United States of America
B&W : Six reels / 6400 feet
Directed by Otis B. Thayer
Cast: Jack Hoey, Rose Chadwick, Dave Marrell, Jane La Rue, Howard Chandler
Foto Art Productions production; distributed by New-Cal Film Corporation [Artistic Pictures]. / From the play Tracy the Outlaw by Pierre Kingsley. Intertitles written by Merritt Crawford. / Released March 1928. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Silent film.
Drama: Western.
Synopsis: A biography about the life of Harry Tracy, an outlaw contemporary of Al Jennings. • [Motion Picture News, 32 March 1928, page 1041] Tracy was one of the west’s bad men during the days when it was young. . . . As we see him he was more sinned against than sinning. Marked with the stigma of crime after he had escaped from a Texas gambling hall, he is everywhere sought as a dangerous man. He is forced to flee from state to state, the hunted of posses. There are brief spans of restfullness or security, but these are always broken by impending sounds of pursuit as the net is drawn closer. The outlaw can never relax; he must always be ready to fight back. Finally they corner him and he, but one cartridge left him, turns it on himself.
Survival status: Print exists.
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Listing updated: 4 December 2014.
References: Pitts-Hollywood p. 30 : Website-AFI.
Home video: DVD.