Brownie the dog
Buddy the horse
Bullet the dog
Cameo the dog
Charlie the elephant
Clarence the kangaroo
Cubby the bear
Cyclone the dog
Duke the lion
Dynamite the dog
Fearless the dog
Flash the horse
Fritz the horse
Gasoline the cat
Jasper the horse
Jean the dog
Jocko the monkey
Lassie Bronte the dog Luke the dog
Mamie the lion
Nanette II the dog
Napoleon Bonaparte the dog
Old Blue the horse
Pal the horse Pepper the cat
Peter the Great the dog
Pussums the cat
Raven the horse
Rex the dog Rin-Tin-Tin the dog
Rin-Tin-Tin Jr. the dog
Rowdy the dog
Shep the dog
Snooky the chimpanzee
Spike the dog
Starlight the horse
Strongheart the dog
Teddy the dog
Toddles the leopard
Trixie the dog